
Welcome to Tech Encyclopedia, your number one source for Windows, Software, Tips and Tricks about Windows as well as some Arduino related projects. We're dedicated to providing you the very best of things mentioned above, with an emphasis on reliable sites, easy to understand as well as the content from which you can learn something which will be useful in your life..

Founded in 2014 by Bhanu Aggarwal, Tech Encyclopedia has come a long way. When Bhanu Aggarwal first started out, his passion about new things and to be able to make them understandable and available to others led him to start this website. But unfortunately the owner stopped posting for about 5 years. But it is now resumed and continuous flow of posts will be maintained.

We hope you enjoy our services/products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Bhanu Aggarwal
